
Video Functions

This section reflects the Video API interface of OS/2 only.

If ERROR_VIO_SEE_ERROR_LOG is returned, further information about the error that occurred can be obtained by calling WinGetLast Error.


  • Calls marked xPM are not supported by Presentation Manager, and must not be used by Presentation Manager applications. An error code is returned if any of these calls are issued.
  • Calls marked xWPM are not windowable and are not supported by Presentation Manager. They can be used in OS/2 mode.
  • Calls marked FAPI are present in the Family API.
1 VioDeRegister xWPM 24 VioScrLock FAPI
2 VioEndPopUp 25 VioScrollDn FAPI
3 VioGetAnsi 26 VioScrollLf FAPI
4 VioGetBuf 27 VioScrollRt FAPI
5 VioGetConfig FAPI 28 VioScrollUp FAPI
6 VioGetCp 29 VioScrUnLock FAPI
7 VioGetCurPos FAPI 30 VioSetAnsi
8 VioGetCurType FAPI 31 VioSetCp
9 VioGetFont FAPI 32 VioSetCurPos FAPI
10 VioGetMode FAPI 33 VioSetCurType FAPI
11 VioGetPhysBuf FAPI 34 VioSetFont FAPI
12 VioGetState FAPI 35 VioSetMode FAPI
13 VioGlobalReg 36 VioSetState FAPI
14 VioModeUndo xWPM 37 VioShowBuf
15 VioModeWait xWPM 38 VioWrtCellStr FAPI
16 VioPopUp 39 VioWrtCharStr FAPI
17 VioPrtSc xWPM 40 VioWrtCharStrAtt FAPI
18 VioPrtScToggle xWPM 41 VioWrtNAttr FAPI
19 VioReadCellStr FAPI 42 VioWrtNCell FAPI
20 VioReadCharStr FAPI 43 VioWrtNChar FAPI
21 VioRegister xWPM 44 VioWrtTTY FAPI
22 VioSavRedrawUndo xWPM
23 VioSavRedrawWait xWPM