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32-bit implementation fo Vio/Mou/Mon/Kbd functions compatible with JdeBP's CON3216.DLL. For IBM 32-bit interface see OS2CHAR2.DLL. For EMX 32-bit interface see EMXWRAP.DLL.

Ordinal Name Desc Status
0008 VioGetAnsi Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
000A VioGetConfig Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
000B VioGetCp Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
000C VioGetCurPos Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
000D VioGetCurType Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
000F VioGetMode Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
0011 VioGetState Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
0019 VioReadCellStr Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
001A VioReadCharStr Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
001F VioScrollDown Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
0020 VioScrollLeft Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
0021 VioScrollRight Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
0022 VioScrollUp Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
0024 VioSetAnsi Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
0025 VioSetCp Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
0026 VioSetCurPos Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
0027 VioSetCurType Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
0029 VioSetMode Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
002B VioSetState Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
002E VioWrtCellStr Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
002F VioWrtCharStr Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
0030 VioWrtCharStrAttr Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
0031 VioWrtNAttr Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
0032 VioWrtNCell Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
0033 VioWrtNChar Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
0034 VioWrtTTY Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
003C KbdCharIn Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
003D KbdFlushBuffer Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
003E KbdGetCp Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
0040 KbdGetStatus Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
0041 KbdPeek Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
0042 KbdSetCp Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
0043 KbdSetStatus Wrapper around EMXWRAP.
0053 MouGetNumButtons Wrapper around EMXWRAP.