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32-bit implementation fo Vio/Mou/Mon/Kbd functions compatible with JdeBP's CON3216.DLL. For IBM 32-bit interface see OS2CHAR2.DLL. For EMX 32-bit interface see EMXWRAP.DLL.
Ordinal | Name | Desc | Status |
0008 | VioGetAnsi | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
000A | VioGetConfig | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
000B | VioGetCp | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
000C | VioGetCurPos | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
000D | VioGetCurType | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
000F | VioGetMode | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
0011 | VioGetState | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
0019 | VioReadCellStr | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
001A | VioReadCharStr | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
001F | VioScrollDown | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
0020 | VioScrollLeft | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
0021 | VioScrollRight | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
0022 | VioScrollUp | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
0024 | VioSetAnsi | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
0025 | VioSetCp | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
0026 | VioSetCurPos | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
0027 | VioSetCurType | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
0029 | VioSetMode | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
002B | VioSetState | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
002E | VioWrtCellStr | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
002F | VioWrtCharStr | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
0030 | VioWrtCharStrAttr | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
0031 | VioWrtNAttr | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
0032 | VioWrtNCell | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
0033 | VioWrtNChar | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
0034 | VioWrtTTY | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
003C | KbdCharIn | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
003D | KbdFlushBuffer | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
003E | KbdGetCp | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
0040 | KbdGetStatus | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
0041 | KbdPeek | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
0042 | KbdSetCp | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
0043 | KbdSetStatus | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. | |
0053 | MouGetNumButtons | Wrapper around EMXWRAP. |