
Note: This IBM PC BIOS API call is for DOS/Win16 personality only. Use Family API for portability.

Note: osFree Macro Library provides macros for most of functions

2022/03/13 05:41 · prokushev · 0 Comments



Initialize serial port

BIOS Interrupt


Family API


@AuxInit port, settings


  • port (WORD) - port number
  • settings (BYTE) - port settings

Baud rates is passed in the high order 3 bits as follows:

000 110 baud
001 150 baud
010 300 baud
011 600 baud
100 1200 baud
101 2400 baud
110 4800 baud
111 9600 baud

Bits 4-3 define parity:

00 no parity
10 no parity
01 odd parity
11 even parity

Bit 2 defines stop bits:

0 1 stop bit
1 2 stop bits

Bits 1-0 character length:

10 7 bits
11 8 bits


  • AX - port status

Bitfields for serial line status (AH):

Bit(s) Description
7 timeout
6 transmit shift register empty
5 transmit holding register empty
4 break detected
3 framing error
2 parity error
1 overrun error
0 receive data ready

Bitfields for modem status (AL):

Bit(s) Description
7 carrier detect
6 ring indicator
5 data set ready
4 clear to send
3 delta carrier detect
2 trailing edge of ring indicator
1 delta data set ready
0 delta clear to send