
This is an old revision of the document!

Note: This API call is for DOS and Win16 personality only. Use Family API for portability.

2018/09/07 05:04 · prokushev · 0 Comments


AH Description Version
00H Program terminate 1.0+
01H Character input 1.0+
02H Character output 1.0+
03H Auxiliary input 1.0+
04H Auxiliary output 1.0+
05H Printer output 1.0+
06H Direct console I/O 1.0+
07H Direct console input without echo 1.0+
08H Console input without echo 1.0+
09H Display string 1.0+
0AH Buffered keyboard input 1.0+
0BH Get input status 1.0+
0CH Flush input buffer and input 1.0+
0DH Disk reset 1.0+
0EH Set default drive 1.0+
0FH Open file (FCB) 1.0+
10H Close file (FCB) 1.0+
11H Find first file (FCB) 1.0+
12H Find next file (FCB) 1.0+
13H Delete file (FCB) 1.0+
14H Sequential read (FCB) 1.0+
15H Sequential write (FCB) 1.0+
16H Create or truncate file (FCB) 1.0+
17H Rename file (FCB) 1.0+
19H Get default drive 1.0+
1AH Set disk transfer address 1.0+
1BH Get allocation info for default drive 1.0+
1CH Get allocation info for specified drive 1.0+
1FH Get disk parameter block for default drive 1.0+
21H Random read (FCB) 1.0+
22H Random write (FCB) 1.0+
23H Get file size in records (FCB) 1.0+
24H Set random record number (FCB) 1.0+
25H Set interrupt vector 1.0+
26H Create PSP 1.0+
27H Random block read (FCB) 1.0+
28H Random block write (FCB) 1.0+
29H Parse filename (FCB) 1.0+
2AH Get date 1.0+
2BH Set date 1.0+
2CH Get time 1.0+
2DH Set time 1.0+
2EH Set verify flag 1.0+
2FH Get disk transfer address 2.0+
30H Get DOS version 2.0+
31H Terminate and stay resident 2.0+
32H Get disk parameter block for specified drive 2.0+
33H Extended functions 2.0+
3300H Get current extended break state 2.0+
3301H Set state of extended Ctrl+C/Ctrl+Break checking 2.0+
3302H Get and set extended Control-Break checking state 3.0+
3303H Get current CPSW state 3.4/4.0
3304H Set CPSW state 3.4/4.0
3305H Get boot drive 4.0+
3306H Get true version number 5.0+
34H Get InDOS flag pointer 2.0+
35H Get interrupt vector 2.0+
36H Get free disk space 2.0+
37H Extended functions 2.0+
3700H Get switch character 2.0+
3701H Set switch character 2.0+
3702H Get availdev flag 2.x and 3.3+
3703H Set availdev flag 2.x and 3.3+
38H Get or set country info 2.0+
3800H Get current country info 2.0+
3801H Get/set specified country info 3.0+
39H Create subdirectory 2.0+
3AH Remove subdirectory 2.0+
3BH Change current directory 2.0+
3CH Create or truncate file 2.0+
3DH Open file 2.0+
3EH Close file 2.0+
3FH Read file or device 2.0+
40H Write file or device 2.0+
41H Delete file 2.0+
42H Move file pointer 2.0+
43H Extended functions 2.0+
4300H Get file attributes 2.0+
4301H Set file attributes 2.0+
44H Extended functions 2.0+
4400H Get device information 2.0+
4401H Set device information 2.0+
4402H Read from character device control channel 2.0+
4403H Write to character device control channel 2.0+
4404H Read from block device control channel 2.0+
4405H Write to block device control channel 2.0+
4406H Get input status 2.0+
4407H Get output status 2.0+
4408H Check if block device removable 3.0+
4409H Check if block device remote 3.1+
440AH Check if handle is remote 3.1+
440BH Set sharing retry count 3.1+
440CH Generic character device request 3.2+
440DH Generic block device request 3.2+
440EH Get logical drive map 3.2+
440FH Set logical drive map 3.2+
4410H Query generic IOCTL capability (handle) 5.0+
4411H Query generic IOCTL capability (drive) 5.0+
45H Duplicate handle 2.0+
46H Redirect handle 2.0+
47H Get current directory 2.0+
48H Allocate memory 2.0+
49H Release memory 2.0+
4AH Reallocate memory 2.0+
4BH Execute program 2.0+
4CH Terminate with return code 2.0+
4DH Get program return code 2.0+
4EH Find first file 2.0+
4FH Find next file 2.0+
50H Set current PSP 2.0+
51H Get current PSP 2.0+
52H Get DOS internal pointers (SYSVARS) 2.0+
53H Create disk parameter block 2.0+
54H Get verify flag 2.0+
55H Create program PSP 2.0+
56H Rename file 2.0+
57H Extended functions 2.0+
5700H Get file's last-written date and time 2.0+
5701H Set file's last-written date and time 2.0+
58H Get or set allocation strategy 2.11+
5800H Get memory allocation strategy 2.11+
5801H Set memory allocation strategy 2.11+
5802H Get UMB link state 5+
5803H Set UMB link state 5+
59H Get extended error info 3.0+
5AH Create unique file 3.0+
5BH Create new file 3.0+
5CH Lock or unlock file 3.0+
5C00H Lock region of file 3.0+
5C01H Unlock region of file 3.0+
5DH File sharing functions 3.0+
5D07H Get redirected printer mode 3.1+
5D08H Set redirected printer mode 3.1+
5D09H Flush redirecter printer output 3.1+
5D0AH Set extended error information 3.1+
5EH Network functions 3.0+
5E00H Get machine name 3.1+
5E01H Set machine name 3.1+
5E02H Set network printer setup string 3.1+
5E03H Get network printer setup string 3.1+
5E04H Set printer mode 3.1+
5E05H Get printer mode 3.1+
5FH Network redirection functions 3.0+
5F00H Get redirection mode 3.1+
5F01H Set redirection mode 3.1+
5F02H Get redirection list entry 3.1+
5F03H Redirect device 3.1+
5F04H Cancel redirection 3.1+
5F05H Get extended redirection list entry 4+
5F07H Enable drive 5+
5F08H Disable drive 5+
60H Qualify filename 3.0+
61H OS/2 File System Join/Subst OS/2 1.0+
62H Get current PSP 3.0+
63H Get DBCS lead byte table pointer 3.0+
64H Set wait for external event flag / OS/2 VDM API 3.2+ / OS/2 2.0+
65H Get extended country info 3.3+
6500H Set general internationalization info 7.1+
6501H Get general internationalization info 3.3+
6502H Get pointer to uppercase table 3.3+
6503H Get pointer to lowercase table 6.2+
6504H Get pointer to filename uppercase table 3.3+
6505H Get pointer to filename terminator table 3.3+
6506H Get pointer to collating sequence table 3.3+
6507H Get pointer to Double-Byte Character Set table 4+
6520H Capitalize character 4+
6521H Capitalize string 4+
6522H Capitalize ASCIZ string 4+
6523H Determine if character represents Yes/No response 4+
65A0H Capitalize filename character 4+
65A1H Capitalize counted filename string 4+
65A2H Capitalize ASCIZ filename 4+
66H Get or set code page 3.3+
6601H Get global code page table 3.3+
6602H Set global code page table 3.3+
67H Set handle count 3.3+
68H Commit file 3.3+
69H Get or set media id 4.0+
6AH Commit file 4.0+
6CH Extended open/create file 4.0+ / OS/2 1.0+
6DH Extended MAke directory OS/2 1.0+
6EH DosEnumAttrib OS/2 1.0+
6FH DosQMaxEASize OS/2 1.0+
2018/09/04 17:23 · prokushev · 0 Comments