Table of Contents
Note: This IBM PC BIOS API call is for DOS/Win16 personality only. Use Family API for portability.
Note: osFree Macro Library provides macros for most of functions
Int 10H, AH=09H
IBM 5150 and higher
Print character and attribute at cursor position
osFree Macro Library
Family API
- AH = 09h
- AL = character to display
- BH = page number (00h to number of pages - 1) (see #00010) background color in 256-color graphics modes (ET4000)
- BL = attribute (text mode) or color (graphics mode) if bit 7 set in <256-color graphics mode, character is XOR'ed onto screen
- CX = number of times to write character
INCLUDE BIOS.INC @PutChAtr 'A', 7, 0, 5
- all characters are displayed, including CR, LF, and BS
- replication count in CX may produce an unpredictable result in graphics modes if it is greater than the number of positions remaining in the current row
- With PhysTechSoft's PTS ROM-DOS the BH, BL, and CX values are ignored on entry.
- Text based on Ralf Brown Interrupt List Release 61
Video I/O | INT 10H: 00H, 01H, 02H, 03H, 05H, 06H, 07H, 08H, 09H, 0AH, 0BH, 0CH, 0DH, 0EH, 0FH |
Hardware info | INT 11H, INT 12H |
Serial I/O | INT 14H: 00H, 01H, 02H, 03H |
Tape I/O | INT 15H: 00H, 01H, 02H, 03H |
Keyboard I/O | INT 16H: 00H, 01H, 02H |
Printer I/O | INT 17H: 00H, 01H, 02H |
Disk I/O | INT 13H: 00H, 01H, 02H, 03H, 04H, 05H |
Date and Time | INT 1AH: 00H, 01H |
osFree Macro Library | |
Video I/O | @SetMode @SetCurSz @SetCurPos @GetCur @SetPage @ScrollUp @ScrollDn @Scroll @GetChAtr @PutChAtr @PutCh @SetPalet @SetColor @SetDot @GetDot @WrtTTY @VideoState @GetMode @GetDisplay @GetVideoState @GetEGAInfo @Cls |
Hardware info | @Equipment @MemSize |
Serial I/O | @AuxInit @AuxSendChar @AuxRecieveChar @AuxStatus |
Tape I/O | @TapeOn @TapeOff @TapeRead @TapeWrite |
Keyboard I/O | @KbdStatus @CharIn @CharPeek |
Printer I/O | @PrnPrint @PrnInit @PrnStatus |
Disk I/O | @DskReset @DskStatus @DskRead @DskWrite @DskVerify @DskFormat |
Date and Time | @SetTime @GetTime |
Mouse | @MouInit @MouShowPointer @MouStatus @MouSetPos @MouSetMickey @MouRegion |
Memory manager | @ModBlok SET_BLOCK |