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en:docs:tk:tools:bind [2024/10/04 05:03] prokusheven:docs:tk:tools:bind [2024/10/22 02:39] (current) prokushev
Line 30: Line 30:
 | | |)|BBB|(|BBB=[[#/HELP|/H[ELP] ]] | | |)|BBB|(|BBB=[[#/HELP|/H[ELP] ]]
 | | |!| | | |!| | | |!| | | |!|
-| | |)|CCC|(|CCC=[[#/MAP|/M[AP] ]]+| | |)|CCC|(|CCC=[[#/MAP|/M[AP] [filename] ]]
 | | |!| | | |!| | | |!| | | |!|
-| | |)|DDD|(|DDD=[[#/NAMES|/N[AMES] ]]+| | |)|HHH|(|HHH=[[#/LIBPATH|/L[IBPATH] searchpath ]] 
 +| | |!| | | |!| 
 +| | |)|DDD|(|DDD=[[#/NAMES|/N[AMES] [name | @filename] ]]
 | | |!| | | |!| | | |!| | | |!|
 | | |)|EEE|(|EEE=[[#/NOLOGO|/NOLOGO]] | | |)|EEE|(|EEE=[[#/NOLOGO|/NOLOGO]]
 | | |!| | | |!| | | |!| | | |!|
-| | |)|FFF|(|FFF=[[#/OUTFILE|/O[UTFILE] ]]+| | |)|FFF|(|FFF=[[#/OUTFILE|/O[UTFILE] filename ]]
 | | |!| | | |!| | | |!| | | |!|
-| | |`|GGG|'|GGG=[[/QUIET|/Q[UIET] ]]+| | |`|GGG|'|GGG=[[#/QUIET|/Q[UIET] ]]
 </diagram> </diagram>
Line 54: Line 56:
 The names of one or more libraries and object files. Use this field to supply object code needed to resolve dynamic-link calls. Separate file names with spaces. The names of one or more libraries and object files. Use this field to supply object code needed to resolve dynamic-link calls. Separate file names with spaces.
-BIND automatically searches for API.LIB and OS2.LIB. If you want additional libraries, be sure to specify the full path name.+BIND automatically searches for API.LIB and DOSCALLS.LIB/OS2.LIB. If used Vio/Mou/Kbd subsystem and/or DLL loading then DLL.LIB also linked. Depending on usage of AVS/AMS/AKS VIOSF.LIB, MOUF.LIB, KBDF.LIB searched, if used. Otherwise MOUS.LIB, VIOS.LIB, KBDS.LIB are linked. 
 +If you want additional libraries, be sure to specify the full path name.
 ==== options ==== ==== options ====
Line 84: Line 88:
 Specifies Name of Bound Program Specifies Name of Bound Program
 +=== /QUIET ===
 +Suppress output
 +Source code can be found at https://github.com/osfree-project/osfree/tree/master/tools/bind Released under osFree (MIT) licence.
 {{page>en:templates:tktools}} {{page>en:templates:tktools}}