[Q]: Как превратить обычный Windows 3.1 в Win-OS/2?
[A]: jari laaksonen
Если немного поколдовать:
Here are the files you need from Win-OS/2 to get Ms-Windows 3.1 to run under OS/2 2.1GA:
in \windows directory:
winos2.com winsheld.exe
in \windows\system directory:
mouse.drv os2gdi.exe os2k386.exe os2user.exe winsclip.dll winsdde.dll winsmsg.dll <video drivers, e.g. supervga.drv + swinvga.drv>
Add these lines into system.ini:
[boot] sdisplay.drv=swinvga.drv useos2shield=1 os2shield=winsheld.exe MAVDMApps= WAVDMAPPS=
(sdisplay.drv means seamless driver)
Only problem here is that from DOS boot you need to change the mouse.drv to the original because the win-os/2 version prevents Windows loading (and vice versa).