[Q]: Как включить поддержку звука в Virtual PC?

[A]: All

vpcsetup /tweakvpc

[A]: Alex Porollo (2:5052/5)


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VPCWIN\REGROOT_HKEY_LocalMachine\SYSTEM\CustomBuild] DisableAudio=dword:00000000

Пpовеpил. Работает. У меня AWE64 (isa)

[A]: Yaroslav Shchelkunov (yaroslavs@ima-press.com)

Virtual PC for OS/2 by default disables sound for guest systems. This is done to prevent problems such as distorted sound, system traps, lockups, etc. due to buggy OS/2 sound drivers. For most sound drivers, it is recommended to not turn on sound support. The worst results can be experienced with the drivers from Crystal (ISA and PCI) - usually system traps. In case you have a sound driver that can handle small buffers and high interrupt rates well (e.g. Soundblaster Live!), you can try to enable sound support.

To enable sound in VPC/2 guests:

Start regedit2.exe, navigate through the keys:


under System, you have to add a key “CustomBuild” (right mouse button, menu point NEW, KEY)

In this new Key (looks like a folder), you add a DWORD named “DisableAudio” (right mouse button, menu point NEW, DWORD value) and leave the default value of 0.

On the next restart of VPC, your guest should have sound (of course, you still have to install a SB16 sound driver in your guest… or in case of Win9x/2K/XP, let the autodetection find the virtual SB16 card and install the driver…) voila!

[ 07 April 2002, 13:04: Message edited by: Oliver Stein ]