
Cancels an outstanding FS_FILELOCKS request on a file.

Calling Sequence

int far pascal FS_CANCELLOCKREQUEST(psffsi, psffsd, pLockRange)
struct sffsi far * psffsi;
struct sffsd far * psffsd;
struct filelock far * pLockRange;


psffsi is a pointer to the file-system-independent portion of an open file instance.

psffsd is a pointer to the file-system-dependent portion of an open file instance.

pLockRange is a pointer to a filelock structure. The filelock structure has the following format:

struct FileLock {
    unsigned long FileOffset;   /* offset where the lock/unlock begins  */
    unsigned long RangeLength;  /* length of region locked/unlocked     */


This entry point was added to support the 32-bit DosCancelLockRequest API.

This function provides a simple mechanism for canceling the lock range request of an outstanding FS_FILELOCKS call. If two threads in a process are blocked on a lock range and a cancel request is issued by another thread, both blocked threads will be released.