
Bindings: C, MASM

This call returns the cursor type.

VioGetCurType (CursorData, VioHandle)

CursorData (PVIOCURSORINFO) - output Address of the cursor characteristics structure:

startline (USHORT) Horizontal scan line in the character cell that marks the top line of the cursor. If the character cell has n scan lines, 0 is the top scan line of the character cell and (n-1) is the bottom scan line.

endline (USHORT) Horizontal scan line in the character cell that marks the bottom line of the cursor. Scan lines within a character cell are numbered as defined in startline.

cursorwidth (USHORT) Width of the cursor. In text modes, cursorwidth is the number of columns. The maximum number supported by the OS/2 base video subsystem is 1. In graphics modes, cursorwidth is the number of pels.

cursorattrib (USHORT) A value of -1 denotes a hidden cursor, all other values in text mode denote normal cursor and in graphics mode denote color attribute.

VioHandle (HVIO) - input This must be zero unless the caller is a Presentation Manager application, in which case it must be the value returned by VioGetPs.

rc (USHORT) - return Return code descriptions are:



If CursorStartLine and CursorEndLine were originally specified as percentages on VioSetCurType (using negative values), the positive values into which they were translated are returned. Refer to VioSetCurType for more information on how percentages can be used to set CursorStartLine and CursorEndLine independent of the number of scan lines per character cell.

Family API Considerations

In DOS mode, VioGetCurType returns only two values for cursorattrib: 0 = visible cursor, and -1 = hidden cursor.

C bindings

typedef struct _VIOCURSORINFO {  /* vioci */
  USHORT   yStart;               /*cursor start line */
  USHORT   cEnd;                 /* cursor end line */
  USHORT   cx;                   /* cursor width */
  USHORT   attr;                 /* -1=hidden cursor, any other=normal
                                       cursor */
#define INCL_VIO
USHORT  rc = VioGetCurType(CursorData, VioHandle);
PVIOCURSORINFO   CursorData;    /* Cursor characteristics */
HVIO             VioHandle;     /* Vio handle */
USHORT           rc;            /* return code */

MASM bindings

  vioci_yStart dw  ? ;cursor start line
  vioci_cEnd   dw  ? ;cursor end line
  vioci_cx     dw  ? ;cursor width
  vioci_attr   dw  ? ;-1=hidden cursor, any other=normal cursor
EXTRN  VioGetCurType:FAR
INCL_VIO            EQU 1
PUSH@  OTHER   CursorData    ;Cursor characteristics
PUSH   WORD    VioHandle     ;Vio handle
CALL   VioGetCurType
Returns WORD