==== VioModeUndo ====
**Bindings**: [[modeundo#C bindings|C]], [[modeundo#MASM bindings|MASM]]
This call allows one thread within a process to cancel a [[modewait|VioModeWait]] issued by another thread within the same process.
//VioModeUndo// (OwnerIndic, KillIndic, Reserved)
//OwnerIndic// (**USHORT**) - input
Indicates whether the thread issuing [[modeundo|VioModeUndo]] wants ownership of [[modewait|VioModeWait]] to be reserved for its process.
^Value ^Definition ^
|0 |Reserve ownership |
|1 |Give up ownership. |
//KillIndic// (**USHORT**) - input
Indicates whether the thread (with the outstanding VioModeWait) should be returned an error code or be terminated.
^Value ^Definition ^
|0 |Return error code |
|1 |Terminate thread. |
//Reserved// (**USHORT**) - input
Reserved word of 0s.
//rc// (**USHORT**) - return
Return code descriptions are:
|0 |NO_ERROR |
[[modeundo|VioModeUndo]] may be issued only by a thread within the process that owns [[modewait|VioModeWait]]. The thread issuing [[modeundo|VioModeUndo]] can either reserve ownership of the [[modewait|VioModeWait]] function for its process or give up ownership. The thread whose [[modewait|VioModeWait]] is cancelled is optionally terminated.
=== C bindings ===
#define INCL_VIO
USHORT rc = VioModeUndo(OwnerIndic, KillIndic, Reserved);
USHORT OwnerIndic; /* Ownership indicator */
USHORT KillIndic; /* Terminate indicator */
USHORT Reserved; /* Reserved (must be zero) */
USHORT rc; /* return code */
=== MASM bindings ===
PUSH WORD OwnerIndic ;Ownership indicator
PUSH WORD KillIndic ;Terminate indicator
PUSH WORD Reserved ;Reserved (must be zero)
CALL VioModeUndo
Returns WORD