==== MouOpen ====
**Bindings**: [[open#C bindings|C]], [[open#MASM bindings|MASM]]
This call opens the mouse device for the current session.
//MouOpen// (**DriverName, DeviceHandle**)
//DriverName// (**PSZ**) - input
//DriverName// is a far pointer to an **ASCIIZ** string in application storage containing the name of the pointer draw device driver to be used as the pointer-image drawing routine for this session.
The name of the device driver must be included in the **CONFIG.SYS** file at system start-up time. Applications that use the default pointer draw device driver supplied by the system must push a double-word of 0s in place of an address.
//DriverName// has a different definition when the caller is the Base Video Subsystem (**BVS**). In this case the selector portion of the far address is zero. The offset portion is non-zero and contains a display configuration number (sequentially numbered where 1 is the first display configuration). The [[open|MouOpen]] call issued by **BVS** is executed on the [[en:ibm:prcp:vio:setmode|VioSetMode]] path. Using the display configuration number passed on the [[open|MouOpen]] call, the Base Mouse Subsystem can detect a change in display configurations. This form of the MouOpen call is not recommended for applications. Applications should either push the far address of an **ASCIIZ** pointer draw device driver name or push two words of zeros.
//DeviceHandle// (**PHMOU**) - output
Address of a 1-word value that represents the mouse handle returned to the application.
//rc// (**USHORT**) - return
Return code descriptions are:
|0 |NO_ERROR |
[[open|MouOpen]] initializes the Mouse functions to a known state. The application may have to issue additional mouse functions to establish the environment it desires. For example, after the [[open|MouOpen]], the collision area is defined to be the size of the entire display. Therefore, to get the pointer to be displayed, the application must issue a [[drawptr|MouDrawPtr]] to remove the collision area.
The state of the mouse after the first [[open|MouOpen]] is:
* Row/Col scale factors set to 16/8. (See [[setscalefact|MouSetScaleFact]].)
* All events reported. (See [[seteventmask|MouSetEventMask]].)
* Empty event queue. (See [[readeentque|MouReadEventQue]] and [[getnumqueel|MouGetNumQueEl]].)
* All user settable Device Status bits reset. (Set to zero. See [[setdevstatus|MouSetDevStatus]].)
* Pointer set to center of screen if valid display mode is set. (See [[setptrpos|MouSetPtrPos]].)
* Pointer shape set to the default for the pointer device driver currently registered in the session. (See [[setptrshape|MouSetPtrShape]].)
* Collision area equal to full screen. (See [[drawptr|MouDrawPtr]] and [[removeptr|MouRemovePtr]].)
=== C bindings ===
#define INCL_MOU
USHORT rc = MouOpen(DriverName, DeviceHandle);
PSZ DriverName; /* Pointer draw driver name */
PHMOU DeviceHandle; /* Mouse device handle */
USHORT rc; /* return code */
=== MASM bindings ===
PUSH@ ASCIIZ DriverName ;Pointer draw driver name
PUSH@ WORD DeviceHandle ;Mouse device handle
CALL MouOpen
Returns WORD